What is it?
The Superskills programme is a weekly group which is integrated across the school. Its focus is on building independence in the Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) needed to lead a more functional and independent life. This could be anything from folding our clothes, to making the bed or washing the car. The children know that we do our Superskills to:
It is overseen and planned by the Occupational Therapy team but as there are so many opportunities for learning the class teachers also play a vital part in facilitating the groups.
Each group is pitched at an appropriate level, promoting the growth and functional development of the children in it. If the skill is naturally tricky, we can think of ways to adapt the activity or the environment so that they can accomplish it.
There are three types of Superskills which the children focus on at different times:
- Home Heroes: Looking after our belongings and space at home (such as setting the table, washing the dishes and using a vacuum cleaner).
- Hygiene Heroes: Looking after our bodies and keeping ourselves clean (Such as folding our clothes, learning about the laundry cycle or doing the iron).
- Super Chefs: Planning meals, staying safe and cooking in the kitchen (using kitchen tools and equipment, writing shopping lists).
Superskills in Action:
Here are some more photos of some wonderful Superskills in action: