Swan Class
Welcome to the Swan Class Page! This is where you can find out about what we’ve been up to recently in Swan Class, read our newsletter and see some examples of our work.
Class Teacher:
Adrienne Wrigglesworth
Speech and Language Therapists:
Caylin Hall
Kayleigh Turner
Learning Support Assistants:
Becca Winter
Our Class Charter
As part of our learning journey as a UNICEF Rights Respecting School, we agreed a class charter to help us to be the very best learners and globally-aware citizens that we can be.
After lots of discussion, we settled on Article 3 Best interests of the child as our umbrella right. Then we chose Article 12 Right to be heard,
Article 29 Right to an education and Article 31 Right to relax and play.
Everyone in the class has signed up to our charter, making sure that everyone is doing their best to TALK, LEARN and GROW.
Talk, Learn, Grow
In Swan Class, we are working hard on our targets to develop our independence, become effective communicators and grow as responsible individuals. Our targets are taken from the Meath School Talk, Learn, Grow curriculum intent and help us to focus on ways in which we can build our resilience in our learning. We share these at the beginning of each learning session as part of our introduction including the WALT (We are Learning To) when we take it in turns to lead the class in Colour Words (see the Meath School specialist approaches).

Petrol Points
We work together as a team in Swan Class and this helps us to earn Petrol Points:
Colour Coding
We use colour coding to support our understanding of word classes and sentence building.
Swan Curriculum Map
Useful Links
We use these games to practise our number bonds to 10.
We are learning to touch type using this website:
Log on and practise your skills and speed!
We log on to Seesaw for home learning:
What will you do on Seesaw this weekend?
We log on to Reading Eggs to enjoy more books:
We love reading in Swan Class
We use Snappy Maths.
This helps us to practice finding halves and quarters of shapes.
There are some great ideas linked to our library visits on the British Library website:
We look at the CBBC Newsround webpage to find out what’s going on in the world:
This link supports families in helping your child to learn their times tables:
This is a great game to help with place value:
We use Talk to Frank to help us understand how to keep safe: