Woodpecker Class
Welcome to the Woodpecker Class Page! This is where you can find out about what we’ve been up to recently in Woodpecker Class, read our newsletter and see some examples of our work.
Class Teacher:
Kerry Jefferies
Speech and Language Therapist:
Louise Bond
Penny Bailey
Learning Support Assistants:
Gemma Chan
Theresa Rocha-Perez
The staff in Woodpecker Class aim to develop early skills that support and promote independent learning for each of the children as they move forward on their learning journey through the school. Our learning is multisensory, play and object based and we continue to work on developing attention and listening and developing organisational skills to complete table top activities. We have a reward chart where individuals can star hop to the moon for completing class jobs, work, helping friends or taking turns. We enjoy getting to the moon and being able to make our own choice of activity at the end of the day. Our Class jobs promote an early understanding of responsibility, thinking skills and boost self-esteem.
Each day we complete a Visual timetable which helps us to develop our early literacy skills and provides a focus to see how we are getting on with our day and thinking about what has finished and what comes next.
We spend time working on good listening skills which form part of our class rules. In class we also learn about Zones of regulation. Knowing about how we feel helps us to get ready for learning.
We have integrated Speech and Language Therapy in groups and for pairs and individuals. The class teacher jointly plans Storytelling sessions with the class therapist this ensures that questions are at the correct Blanks level for each pupil.
Each week we have a homework task to complete and reading.
Our favourite parts of the year are when we go out on our school trips where we can prepare our own sandwiches and accompanying ‘little somethings’ usually in the form of cake!